Sunday, May 18, 2014

Looks :l


Today, I'd like to ask you what type of looks I should pos.
Last time I did Animal Looks, and I'm not sure what to do now.
Please comment bellow what you want me to do, 
And I might do it.
If you want to contact me, please contact with this user:
Lilly Lickers.
She should be on MSP.
I am on US MSP, and if you are not on US MSP, then
I can find a different way to contact you.
I will soon be making looks of myself rather than everyone else, because I'll be VIP
I appreciate you friending, autographing, & gifting me while I make my
way to become a higher level. This is the first blog I've ever made so I'd love the support.
I hope that I will have enough time to be able to post more often for you guys
Type in questions in the comments, or what type of looks you want me to do :)
I will be posting often during weekends, I usually have a lot of work to do on weekdays because of 
school. Hopefully I will be posting more during the Summer. If you'd like to be part of the team, you
can just comment below how you'd like to help. Also, I will start making YouTube videos for you
guys, which I'm really excited about. I'm also excited about the summer, where I'll be playing MSP
on more often :) Thank you so much for reading! I hope you all have a great day- and end of the
 school year! Bye, eeeverrryyyoneeeeeee!
Once again, please name what theme of looks I should search for in the comments below
*To contact me look up Lilly Lickers on MovieStarPlanet US!

Non VIP Look:
Clown Hat - 300 SC (hat
Cute Clown Nose - 300 SC (clown nose
Dotted Butterfly - 300 SC (bow
Freckles - 450 SC (freckles
Sneakylicious - 500 SC (shoes
Wolfie Tee - 350 (shirt
Turn it Up - 500 (hair
Bandage Leggings - 400 SC (pants
*I changed Ripped to Bandage Leggigs so it could be
Non VIP, if you are VIP, you can also use Ripped which are the pants she is wearing right now-*
Ripped *VIP* - 250 SC (pants
Bye, everyone

Sorry for all the mistakes I made in here. I think I said a bunch of stuff more than twice (LOL! xD)

MovieStarPlanet: 5 Cute VIP Animal Looks! ❤

Hey, guys! Lilly here, and welcome to another blog! Right now, I'd like to show you a few cute VIP animal looks! <3 Here they are! ;)

Here's my top pick!
This adorable mousey look contains these items:

Jungle Bikini - 600 SC (top
Hip Hop Glitter - 500 SC (hair
Furry Mouse ears - 300 SC (ears
School Backpack - 400 SC - (backpack x3
Thick Lashes - 500 SC (eye lashes
Star Bright - 300 SC (earings
Hearts Fake Tattoo - 150 SC (heart tattoo
Stars Fake Tattoo - 150 SC (star tattoo
Geometric Skirt - 500 SC (skirt
Marine Colored - 350 SC (bracelet
Superstar Sleeves - 350 SC (sleeves
Dragon Cuts - 300 SC (black cuts
 By: ROXIE!!!!!!

This is my second pick! This cute look contains these items:
Crazy Animal - 400 SC (ears
Big Baggy Scarf - 350 SC (scarf
Knitted Wonderland - 300 SC (hat
Heart Mole - 225 SC (heart on cheek
Freckles - 450 SC (freckles lolz
Mysterious Glam - 500  SC (hair
Smiley Tee - 400 SC (tee-shirt 
Super Stripey - 300 SC (pants
Ruby Sneakers - 400 SC (shoes
By: funnystuff19

Shorty really got her style on in the makings
of this look (named Bunny Babe).  Wanna buy it? Well, this hot look has these items!:
Star Nose Piercing - 200 SC (piercing
Riviera Bottoms - 350 SC (bikini bottom
Golden Hoops - 400 SC (earrings 
Modern Girl - 500 SC (hair
Sizzlin' Zebra Cap - 350 SC (cap
Cropped Fluff - 500 SC (shirt
Homefuzz - 500 SC (shoes
Big Goldie -350 SC (bracelet
High Five - 350 SC (necklace
Kawaii Bunny - 300 SC (bunny hat
By: Short Movies'''

This may not have made it to the
top of my list, but the look is
truly gorgeous! <33333333333
(named Caramel Macchiato)
This whisker licking look has these items: 
Wood Bling - 250 SC (necklace
Zebra Sandals - 450 SC (shoes
Structured Darlin' - 550 SC (dress
Wild Piglets - 600 SC (hair
Friends heart - 350 SC (bracelet
Rainbow Warrior - 350 SC (tattoo on arm
Cat Bowler - 400 SC (hat
Long Ribbon - 300 SC (ribbon on hat
Triangular - 350 - (triangle earings
Bye Princessmodel

And, last:

This last look seemed really nice, so I thought I might as well put it on here! I thought the ears were adorable. If you'd like to buy this wonderful look, here's what's in it:
Lace Sleeves - 300 SC (sleeves
Designer Ears - 200 SC (ears
Thick Lashes - 50 SC (lashes
Nice Nails - 500 SC (shoes
Classy Doll - 6 D (dress
Loop Earrings - 300 SC (earrings
Wavy Girl - 500 SC (hair
Friends Heart - 350 SC (bracelet
Star Nose Piercing - 200 SC (piercing

Thanks so much for visiting the blog!
Love to all,
Oh- and speaking of animals...
*I don't own that video, I was just browsing Youtube, and came across it.
It's pretty funny, too ;)

Saturday, May 17, 2014

Non VIP Simple Look MSP & Intro

Hi, my name is Lilly Lickers! Welcome to my blog:

I'm gonna go ahead, and tell you what i do.. It's simple:
~I take screenshots of looks I find on games
~I make my own looks
~I make looks of friends, and others
~I then post it up on here, for you guys to check it out and get ideas for you're own looks (Or you can just have the same exact look posted on my blog!)


Okay, since I'm already here, I might as well show you a few looks.. But before that- I'll tell you a little bit about how I'll make my looks. I'll be making the looks on these games:
MovieStarPlanet ~
Animal Jam         ~
Fantage               ~
..And maybe a few others, too!
Alright, let's start with a few simple non VIP looks for MovieStarPlanet :) ~

All Bowtied Up ;) 
By: De Fluffy Bunny Luver (me)

This look contains: 
Scrubs Top - 350 SC (shirt
Neon Nightmare - 500 SC (pants
Dotted Butterfly - 300 SC (bow tie
Messy Paranormal - 500 SC (hair
Freckles - 450 SC (freckles o_O
Glam Sleeves - 350 SC (white sleeve thingies
Bat Bow - 300 SC (bow on head
Dance Off Sneaks - 450 SC (shoes

I will be posting more soon! Thank you SO MUCH
for visiting my new blog!!! ;)


You may already know that my user is de fluffy bunny luver, but if you'd like to contact me, please use
this user: Lilly Lickers (Yea, kinda obvious, I know xDD)
Anyway, have a great day everyone, and I'll see ya soon!
                                                           (I know. I'm so weird o-o)

Youtube: FluffyBunny Luver