Sunday, May 18, 2014

MovieStarPlanet: 5 Cute VIP Animal Looks! ❤

Hey, guys! Lilly here, and welcome to another blog! Right now, I'd like to show you a few cute VIP animal looks! <3 Here they are! ;)

Here's my top pick!
This adorable mousey look contains these items:

Jungle Bikini - 600 SC (top
Hip Hop Glitter - 500 SC (hair
Furry Mouse ears - 300 SC (ears
School Backpack - 400 SC - (backpack x3
Thick Lashes - 500 SC (eye lashes
Star Bright - 300 SC (earings
Hearts Fake Tattoo - 150 SC (heart tattoo
Stars Fake Tattoo - 150 SC (star tattoo
Geometric Skirt - 500 SC (skirt
Marine Colored - 350 SC (bracelet
Superstar Sleeves - 350 SC (sleeves
Dragon Cuts - 300 SC (black cuts
 By: ROXIE!!!!!!

This is my second pick! This cute look contains these items:
Crazy Animal - 400 SC (ears
Big Baggy Scarf - 350 SC (scarf
Knitted Wonderland - 300 SC (hat
Heart Mole - 225 SC (heart on cheek
Freckles - 450 SC (freckles lolz
Mysterious Glam - 500  SC (hair
Smiley Tee - 400 SC (tee-shirt 
Super Stripey - 300 SC (pants
Ruby Sneakers - 400 SC (shoes
By: funnystuff19

Shorty really got her style on in the makings
of this look (named Bunny Babe).  Wanna buy it? Well, this hot look has these items!:
Star Nose Piercing - 200 SC (piercing
Riviera Bottoms - 350 SC (bikini bottom
Golden Hoops - 400 SC (earrings 
Modern Girl - 500 SC (hair
Sizzlin' Zebra Cap - 350 SC (cap
Cropped Fluff - 500 SC (shirt
Homefuzz - 500 SC (shoes
Big Goldie -350 SC (bracelet
High Five - 350 SC (necklace
Kawaii Bunny - 300 SC (bunny hat
By: Short Movies'''

This may not have made it to the
top of my list, but the look is
truly gorgeous! <33333333333
(named Caramel Macchiato)
This whisker licking look has these items: 
Wood Bling - 250 SC (necklace
Zebra Sandals - 450 SC (shoes
Structured Darlin' - 550 SC (dress
Wild Piglets - 600 SC (hair
Friends heart - 350 SC (bracelet
Rainbow Warrior - 350 SC (tattoo on arm
Cat Bowler - 400 SC (hat
Long Ribbon - 300 SC (ribbon on hat
Triangular - 350 - (triangle earings
Bye Princessmodel

And, last:

This last look seemed really nice, so I thought I might as well put it on here! I thought the ears were adorable. If you'd like to buy this wonderful look, here's what's in it:
Lace Sleeves - 300 SC (sleeves
Designer Ears - 200 SC (ears
Thick Lashes - 50 SC (lashes
Nice Nails - 500 SC (shoes
Classy Doll - 6 D (dress
Loop Earrings - 300 SC (earrings
Wavy Girl - 500 SC (hair
Friends Heart - 350 SC (bracelet
Star Nose Piercing - 200 SC (piercing

Thanks so much for visiting the blog!
Love to all,
Oh- and speaking of animals...
*I don't own that video, I was just browsing Youtube, and came across it.
It's pretty funny, too ;)

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